A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Warning

Message: file_put_contents(/home/ricca/site/dbobrasil/server1//cache/status): failed to open stream: Permission denied

Filename: system/status.php

Line Number: 94

 DBOBrasil Server I


2514- / 5-/-/-/-/-white defense glove
24233 / 3-/-/-/-/-red glove
23884 / 4-/-/-/-/-glove
24294 / 4-/-/-/-/-box glove
23815 / 5-/-/-/-/-glove
23786 / 2-/-/-/-/-yellow glove
23806 / 6-/-/-/-/-green glove
23877 / 7-/-/-/-/-stronge glove
24278 / 8-/-/-/-/-Saibamen Clav glove
24309 / 9-/-/-/-/-saiyan glove
243111 / 11-/-/-/-/-majin glove
238612 / 12-/-/-/-/-Vulcan glove
244113 / 13-/-/-/-/-silver glove
244014 / 14-/-/-/-/-golden glove
245016 / 20-/-/-/-/-Skull glove
245116 / 16-/-/-/-/-Magic glove
245216 / 14-/-/-/-/-Dragon glove
245416 / 16-/+5/-/-/-glove of lies
251916 / 16-/-/-/-/-glove of Honor
739216 / 16+10/-/-/-/-Orcish gloves
844918 / 16-/+5/-/-/-golden bracelets
873918 / --/-/-/-/-Galatic Patroller Pistol

Todos estes items estão sendo lidos automaticamente pelo servidor, todas as informações estão atualizadas.
Deus da Destruição

Server Status
Servidor: 1
Status: Online